A Nagy Tagline Poszt

Nemrég ünnepelte a Geekz első születésnapját, ennek aprópóján a szerkesztőség tagjai összegyűjtötték kedvenc tagline-jaikat. Pezsgő és csokitorta helyett ezúton nyújtjuk át olvasóinknak rendhagyó ajándékunkat, amiben bármiféle műfaji, minőség- és időbeli megkötés nélkül válogattuk össze a szívünkhöz legközelebb álló tagline-okat. A poszt végén szavazni is lehet a legjobbra, a kommentekben pedig természetesen jöhetnek a személyes kedvencek.



1. "If adventure has a name it must be Indiana Jones" (Végzet temploma)
2. "Do you like fish? Well, he likes you too..." (Cápa)
3. "When the smoke clears, it just means he's reloading." (Desperado)
4. "Believe it or not - he's the good guy" (Hellboy 2)
5. "You know the name. You know the number." (GoldenEye)



1. "Lone wolf and son. The greatest team in the history of mass slaughter." (Shogun Assassin)
2. "Today, I killed my best friend." (Battle Royale)
3. "Ai wa, kanari itai. (Love really hurts.)" (Ichi The Killer)
4. "Sonny Chiba, hired to kill... If his kick doesn't get you... his fatal fist
will!" (Karate Kiba)
5. "If you've got to fight...fight dirty!" (The Street Fighter)
6. "Sonny Chiba, The Streetfighter is back as the meanest, bloodiest, most
violent ass-kicking lung ripping mother yet!" (The Bodyguard)
7. "The one guy you trust to get your back when a whole city's trying to put a
bullet in it." (Brother)

Köbli Norbert

„As the countdown begins for the 21th century there is still one number you can always count on.” (The World is Not Enough, 1999)
„We've always believed we weren't alone in the Universe. On July 4th we'll wish we were.” (Independence Day, 1996)
„Whoever saves one life, saves the world entire.” (Schindler’s List, 1993)
„Part man. Part machine. All cop.” (Robocop, 1987)
„In space no one can hear you scream!” és „This time – it’s war!” (Alien, 1979 és Aliens, 1986)
„Does for rock and roll what "The Sound of Music" did for hills.” (This is Spinal Tap, 1984)
„A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away...” (Star Wars, 1977)
„A man went looking for America and couldn't find it anywhere!” (Easy Rider, 1969)
"This is Benjamin. He's a little worried about his future.” (The Graduate, 1967)
„Check in. Relax. Take a shower.” (Psycho, 1960)



"Exterminate all rational thought." (Naked Lunch)
"When there's no more room in hell, the dead will walk the earth." (Dawn Of The Dead)
"On every street in every city, there's a nobody who dreams of being a somebody." (Taxi Driver)
"Zombies, guns, and sex, OH MY!!!" (Dellamore Dellamorte)
"No More Mr Nice Guy." (Payback)
"Live by the code. Die by the code." (Ghost Dog)
"You don't assign him to murder cases, You just turn him loose." (Dirty Harry)


"There are no clean getaways" (Nem vénnek való vidék)
"If Nancy Doesn't Wake Up Screaming She Won't Wake Up At All..." (Rémálom az Elm utcában)
"Trapped in time. Surrounded by evil. Low on gas." (Army of Darkness)
"Protecting the Earth from the scum of the universe." (Men in Black)
Look up! Look up! (Angels in America)" (Angels in America)


1. „In Heaven Everything Is Fine." (Radírfej / Eraserhead, 1977)
2. „When there's no more room in hell, the dead will walk the earth." (Holtak hajnala / Dawn of the Dead, 1978)
3. "...look closer." (Amerikai szépség / American Beauty, 1999)
4. „The lucky ones die first." (A sziklák szeme / The Hills Have Eyes, 1977; 2006)
5. "I told you... you know nothing about wickedness" (A sanghaji asszony / The Lady From Shanghai, 1948)
6. "Crime is a disease, he's the cure" (Kobra / Cobra, 1986)
7. „Nice planet. We'll take it!" (Támad a Mars! / Mars Attacks!,1996)
8. „She's brown sugar and spice, but if you don't treat her nice, she'll put you on ice!" (Foxy Brown, 1974)
9. "He knows no fear, he knows no danger, he knows nothing" (Johnny English, 2003)
10. „If you see only one movie this year...you ought to get out more often." (Csupasz pisztoly 2½ / The Naked Gun 2½, 1991)



"A good, old-fashioned story of guilt, poverty, love, madness and free video club membership." (The Fisher King)
"We're Ready To Believe You." (Ghostbusters) 
"Trapped in time. Surrounded by evil. Low on gas." (Army of Darkness)
"We Scare Because We Care." (Monsters, Inc.)
"Coming to wipe that silly smile off your planet." (Evolution)
"The truth is out there" (X-files)


Bajtai András

1. "There were three men in her life. One to take her... one to love her... and one to kill her." (Once Upon A Time in the West, 1968)
2. "There's only ONE thing wrong with the Davis baby... It's Alive. (It's Alive, 1974)
3. "Why is his head worth one million dollars and the lives of 21 people?" (Bring Me The Head of Alfredo Garcia, 1974)
4. "WANTED. For Assault, Armed Robbery and Committing a Lewd and Immoral Dance with a Chocolate Pudding." (Take The Money and Run, 1969)
5. "No one can eat fifty eggs." (Cool Hand Luke, 1967) 

 (update: A TOP5 tagline magyarul Beyonder kommentjében olvasható.)

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